We hope you are staying safe and healthy while we are all practicing social distancing during these unprecedented times!
If you’re like me, you’re working from home right now and looking for ways to be most productive while keeping in touch with your colleagues, customers, and vendors.
More and more people are joining the virtual meeting world to keep business afloat and to continue to stay connected.
Most of us weren’t prepared to work from home or even know how to function at home vs. the office. Accutel has all the tools to help mitigate these challenges. What’s your scenario?
Want to conduct day to day calls? Our Accutel Direct® Reservationless audio conferencing is the most cost-effective and most straightforward solution. You can read about it here.
If you’re ready to sign up, fill in this form, and we will get you set up right away.
Want to be able to share documents or see everyone you are meeting with on the screen? One of our web solutions will give you the ability to launch a web/video meeting via your custom URL You can read about it here.
Need video equipment but don’t want to dish out a lot of money to buy one? No problem, check out our video bundles here and get started with a room solution + desktop access for ALL your employees with a unique UNLIMITED USERS model which is unheard of in the video space. You can read about it here.
How about that AGM or Townhall you had to cancel because you can no longer host the meeting live in person? We can build a VIRTUAL event for you! Don’t cancel your meeting, conference or event, book a virtual event instead. You can read about it here.
We are problem solvers at Accutel , and our mission is to ensure you have everything you need to communicate with anyone, anytime!
Privacy matters at Accutel . Everything we do promotes privacy and security. It is a big topic, and we would love to talk about how we make merger discussions for the leading public companies in North America, the world’s best-kept secret(s).
Fill in this form, and we can get you started on our crystal clear, ultra-secure service.

Pamala Matthews | Accutel Inc.
Customer Care Supervisor/ Account Manager
Direct: 416-354-4018 | Cell: 647-969-2600
Toll free: 1-877-299-7070 Ext. 4018
Email: [email protected]
© 2020 Accutel Inc.